Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sleepy Head Gives In...

What a day this has been! Things were off to a good start this morning. I was cleaning around the house and Price was playing with a new toy from Christmas. He was actually entertaining himself for the first time this week. All was as it should be. Then the blind spots started. Now, I used to get migraines all the time, so I knew all too well what this meant. But, I haven't had one in about 7 years so I was hoping I was wrong and maybe I just had something in my eye. Nope. Horrible sickness was soon upon me. Chance had to cancel all his appointments and come home. He was pretty far away so Stephanie came and took care of Price until he could get here. I will spare you the grusome details, but I was on my death bed for about 4 hours and am still feeling pretty weak and nauseous.

I should also mention that Price is teething, so he is a far cry from his normal happy go lucky self. This didn't help the situation at all. Not only does he have to be rocked to sleep, but evidently I am the only one who can do the job properly. Needless to say with me under the weather this afternoon he was having nothing to do with a nap. This made for one cranky kid! So, after trying with no luck to get him to take a nap, Chance finally stuck him in his high chair with a toast stick and left the kitchen for about 5 minutes. When he came back this is what he found...

It's such hard work being a baby. Eating that toast stick must have plum worn him out! And regarding the it normal for eye teeth to come in before the two front teeth? Because his are. He is going to look like a vampire!


Will,Laurie,Brock said...

haha! love the sleeping in the highchair pic. you'll have to show his girlfriends one day.hehe!

Hope you are feeling better. Will gets migraines like that too but not often..he has had 3 in the past six years. Needless to say, one of them was on the first day of our honeymoon! Poor feller.

Anyway, hope you are much better. I always wonder what would happen if I got sick. Because it is true about the whole "doing it right" thing for our boys. There is something about boys and their mommas

Will,Laurie,Brock said...

check out my blog...something there for you. :)

Natalie said...

Hey! This is a link to Jesse and my blog! Check it out sometime. It was nice to meet both of you, and we hope to see you guys again soon!