Ok, so I am a slacker when it comes to the blog. But give me a little credit. There are very few free moments in my day between working full time, taking care of Price, and other obligations. Anyway, here are some pictures from the last few weeks. First of all we started cereal. This is how it's been going...
1) Price tries to help me put the spoon in his mouth...
2) He makes a funny face, telling me that he likes it, but doesn't really know what it is...

3) He puts his fist in his mouth (maybe to help keep the food in) and makes a huge mess...
On Sunday afternoons we try to go to Dayton to my Dad and Steph's farm. Two Sundays ago we went and took Price on his 1st 4-wheeler ride. We went really slowly and were very careful. He really liked it though. I think he could have fallen asleep on it.
(Oh, and if you notice, Chance is wearing his golf shoes. We had been at the driving range before the farm, and he didn't bring any extra shoes. However, I FINALLY learned to hit a golf ball!)

These are just some pictures we took of each other with Price. I think he looks like such a big boy in the one with Chance.

And last, but not least, we celebrated Lindy's 16th birthday on the 11th. Here she is posing with her prize birthday present, her new hair extensions. She is crazy obsessed with having long hair (even though it's already long if you ask me). I think it all goes back to that summer when she was three and I was bored. I got this brilliant idea that I would trim her hair, but somehow it ended up looking like I had put a bowl on her head and cut around it. It was over her ears. She cried for weeks that she would "never have a ponytail again." It's taken a lot of convincing, even with my license, for her to let me touch her hair again. Hopefully it will be long enough now!
On a side note, check out our new pictures of Price on his photo blog. Click on "Prices Photos" to the right. Also, if you go back to my August posts I just figured out how to post a couple of videos. They are a month old, and I just realized that they downloaded a long time ago. He's doing so much more now so we will try again soon.