Friday, August 22, 2008

3 Months Already!

He actually took a nap in his car seat. Very unusual...

This is his new thing. I noticed that he was holding on to his burp rags and blankets, so I gave him this "snuggly". He loves it! He holds it against his face when he sleeps.

Here he is with his Grammie at work.

Wow! Price is 3 months old today, and I can't believe it. He is growing and changing so fast. It seems like he crosses a new milestone every day. Tuesday we went for his first set of shots (yes, I know they are supposed to get them at 2 months-don't ask). He was a trooper! In fact I cried more than he did. I made Chance hold him, and I tried not to watch, but when I heard him cry my heart just sank. Knowing your child is in pain is one of the worst feelings in the world. Anyway, he cried for just a sec and then it was over. He did run a little fever and was tired and cranky that afternoon, but all was well the next morning. As far as changes go, it's something new every day. He smiles at almost everyone, and he "talks" a lot (especially to Chance). Sunday night I had to step out of the church service because he was "cooing" and "gooing" so loudly. Afterwards, I got in trouble by all the women who sat around us for taking him out, because they were enjoying it so much. He is also doing really well with sleep. Last night he went 10 hours! We were so excited. I wish I could say the same about his naps during the day. Apparently, he doesn't think he needs daytime sleep. That may change next week though. We have decided it's time for a babysitter. As most of you probably know Price has been coming to work with me since I came back from maternity leave. It's been so great having him with me, and I am so fortunate to have a job that allows this. He's getting bigger though, and needs more interaction and less sleep, so it's time. It's going to be so hard on me to have to leave him, but hopefully it's only for a few months and then I can stay home with him. My plan is to start doing hair part-time at the beginning of next year. So we shall see how all that goes. I will try to post something again soon. Hope you are all well!


Unknown said...

Kara and Chance, I LOVE these pictures and am glad that Kara took over! He is so DARLING! I adore his squishy cheeks!