A couple of weeks ago, when we decided Price wasn't getting any better with his congestion, we went ahead and made the appointment with an ENT at Children's Hospital in Little Rock. Our pediatrician here didn't really think anything was wrong, but told us he would give us a referral if we wanted. I'm glad we took him up on the offer, because there was something wrong. Turns out Price has had reflux all this time. It has caused his adenoids to be enlarged (60% closed off) and his vocal chords to be "floppy". There is some big long term for this, but I can't spell it. Anyway, it is treatable and the doc said 95% of children treated get completely fixed. He is now on Prevacid for the reflux and Rhinocort to shrink his adenoids. He seems to be better already. We will go back in December for another check, and if it's fixed he can come off the Prevacid.
He has started rolling from tummy to back, so now he can go both ways. And, the other night he started getting up on his knees like he's getting ready to crawl. He gets around pretty well just scooting on his tummy. He can't quite sit up alone yet, but he's getting close. I love his little personality, and watching he and Chance play is the best! He squeals and screams and laughs like crazy at his dad. He also loves to pull on hair and earrings.
Tuesday, the 21st was my 26th birthday. I'm starting to feel old already! The weekend before that was the War Eagle Arts and Crafts fair. It is always close to my birthday, so I consider going and shopping one of my favorite presents. I got some really cute stuff this year. The best was this wooden frame. I will have to post a picture of it later, but this is what it says:
Before you were conceived I wanted you.
Before you were born I loved you.
Before you were here an hour I would die for you.
This is the miracle of love."
Isn't that BEAUTIFUL?! I almost cry every time I read it. I have this really good picture that Chance took of me kissing Price that is going to look perfect in it.
And my last story for now: Chance and I took a short trip to Mexico Friday-Saturday so I could get a fill in my Lap-Band. It was so hard to leave Price! He stayed Thursday night with my dad and step-mom, and spent Friday night at our house with my mom. I knew he was in good hands, but just being apart for two nights was almost unbearable. Anyway, the trip was crazy and the travel time itself took forever. We left our house for Tulsa at 5:30am and flew into San Diego. Then we took a shuttle across the border, and went straight to the clinic to get the fill. We stayed the night in Mexico, and were up bright and early the next morning to get back to the airport. It took forever to get back across the border. Then we had a five hour flight that made two other stops, so we ended up back at our house around 10pm Saturday night. Crazy! Then, as if it weren't miserable enough to do all that traveling, something got lodged in my throat before we got on the plane to come home. Evidently it irritated my stomach where the Lap-Band sits, and eventually it became so inflamed that nothing would go down (it hurt just to swallow). I had to wait until Monday afternoon to drive to Northwest AR and see a doctor, so I had no food or water from Saturday afternoon until Monday afternoon. So, long story short, the doctor in NWA doesn't use the x-ray when doing fills/unfills so he poked my with a 3 inch needle about 6 times and dug around until he finally found the port and removed some of the saline. FUN! I usually don't get queasy, but the combo of not having anything in my system and the needle nearly made me pass out on the table. It was horrible, but I think I would have let him cut me open at that point if it meant I could eat and drink! Anyway, all is well now, and on the bright side I've lost 5 lbs. already. I know that was a long story, but I thought it was worth sharing.
So here are some pictures from this month. Hope you enjoy....
These are some of us at the park one Sunday. We met up with Chelsea, Johnny, and Alex to play.
This is Price at my Mom's office. He wouldn't take his fingers out of his mouth for a second.
This was our trip to War Eagle Arts and Crafts Fair. I meant to take more pictures, but we were having too much fun and I forgot. Price was so good! He's definitley a "get out and go baby."
These were taken on 10/22/08 when he turned 5 months. He looks like such a big boy in them!

And these were from this Sunday when we went to the park. We took Price on his 1st train ride.